Upload artifact from jenkins server to slack using curl


Everytime when jenkins completes building an artifact I want it to upload an artifact to the slack channel. There are slack plugins available for jenkins pipeline that uploads file but its not alwa...

Everytime when jenkins completes building an artifact I want it to upload an artifact to the slack channel. There are slack plugins available for jenkins pipeline that uploads file but its not always the case for everyone. What I have covered below is the alternative approach using curl.

What you’ll need?

  1. A slack channel.

  2. A Slack app. Go here to create one.

  3. Slack app’s OAuth Token.


  4. On the same page you’ll find Scope section. In order to upload file, app will need files:write scope.


  5. Now, open your slack channel and ADD the slack app you just created.

  6. Open your Jenkinsfile and add the following function.
     def uploadFileToSlack() {
         def filePattern = "**/Release*.zip" // file that starts with Release and ends with .zip
         def file = findFiles(glob: "${filePattern}")[0]
         def botAuthToken = "xoxb-BOT_USER_AUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" // see step #3
         def channelName = "#YOUR-CHANNEL_NAME" // replace with the appropriate channel name.
         try {
             sh(script: """
                      curl --request POST \
                      --url https://slack.com/api/files.upload \
                      --header 'content-type: multipart/form-data' \
                      --form token=$botAuthToken \
                      --form 'channels=$channelName' \
                      --form 'title=${file.name}' \
                      --form file="@${file}"
         } catch (Exception e) {

    Replace the value of filePattern with your desired glob pattern.

  7. Lastly, there must be a stage in your Jenkinsfile where it creates an artifact. Call the above function uploadFileToSlack() from there.

Thats all. I hope you find this useful. Thanks!